Justin Nurse is no longer a stranger to controversy, and the South African satirist has announced his new play, White Guilt, which Nurse jokingly proclaims will get him "in trouble."

Nurse first hit the headlines with his brilliant yet vexed Laugh It Off T-shirts, which parodied popular South African brands. Nurse was targeted by SAB in an on-going court-case, which Nurse eventually came out winning. 1-0 to the little man!

"White Guilt is a play about wrongs and rites of pas­sages so dark you’ll need your best friend to hold you through the night. Good times gone bad. Bro­mance gone badass. The­atre gone gangsta. Haters gon’ hate. White Guilt is a drama laced with com­edy. It’s enter­tain­ment laced with drugs. It’s irrev­er­ence lit­tered with mean­ing. It’s about friend­ship, the land­mark moments in our lives, and how we need each other just to sur­vive. It’s about bro­mance.

DATE: 4 July 2014




"If it doesn’t beat a night in bed with Game of Thrones then you can have your money back." – Justin Nurse